/*** @abstract (synonyms: @virtual) This member must be implemented (or overridden) by the inheritor. @access Specify the access level of this member (private, public, or protected). @alias Treat a member as if it had a different name. @augments (synonyms: @extends) This object adds onto a parent object. @author Identify the author of an item. @borrows This object uses something from another object. @callback Document a callback function. @class (synonyms: @constructor) This function is intended to be called with the "new" keyword. @classdesc Use the following text to describe the entire class. @constant (synonyms: @const) Document an object as a constant. @constructs This function member will be the constructor for the previous class. @copyright Document some copyright information. @default (synonyms: @defaultvalue) Document the default value. @deprecated Document that this is no longer the preferred way. @description (synonyms: @desc) Describe a symbol. @enum Document a collection of related properties. @event Document an event. @example Provide an example of how to use a documented item. @exports Identify the member that is exported by a JavaScript module. @external (synonyms: @host) Document an external class/namespace/module. @file (synonyms: @fileoverview, @overview) Describe a file. @fires (synonyms: @emits) Describe the events this method may fire. @function (synonyms: @func, @method) Describe a function or method. @global Document a global object. @ignore Omit a symbol from the documentation. @inner Document an inner object. @instance Document an instance member. @kind What kind of symbol is this? @lends Document properties on an object literal as if they belonged to a symbol with a given name. @license Identify the license that applies to this code. @link Inline tag - create a link. @member (synonyms: @var) Document a member. @memberof This symbol belongs to a parent symbol. @mixes This object mixes in all the members from another object. @mixin Document a mixin object. @module Document a JavaScript module. @name Document the name of an object. @namespace Document a namespace object. @param (synonyms: @arg, @argument) Document the parameter to a function. @private This symbol is meant to be private. @property (synonyms: @prop) Document a property of an object. @protected This member is meant to be protected. @public This symbol is meant to be public. @readonly This symbol is meant to be read-only. @requires This file requires a JavaScript module. @returns (synonyms: @return) Document the return value of a function. @see Refer to some other documentation for more information. @since When was this feature added? @static Document a static member. @summary A shorter version of the full description. @this What does the 'this' keyword refer to here? @throws (synonyms: @exception) Describe what errors could be thrown. @todo Document tasks to be completed. @tutorial Insert a link to an included tutorial file. @type Document the type of an object. @typedef Document a custom type. @variation Distinguish different objects with the same name. @version Documents the version number of an item. **/
sysrq.txt: How do I enable the magic SysRQ key? sysrq.txt: How do I use the magic SysRQ key? 其中文件’sysrp.txt’包含该字符串,讨论的是 SysRQ 的功能。 默认情况下,’grep’只搜索当前目录。如果 此目录下有许多子目录,’grep’会以如下形式列出: grep: sound: Is a directory 这可能会使’grep’ 的输出难于阅读。这里有两种解决的办法: 明确要求搜索子目录:grep -r 或忽略子目录:grep -d skip 如果有很多 输出时,您可以通过管道将其转到’less’上阅读:
$ grep magic /usr/src/Linux/Documentation/* | less